Veneers Goodyear

Say Goodbye to the Flaws in Your Smile!

Do you have a habit of hiding your teeth behind your lips or hand when you smile? If so, maybe you’ve looked into cosmetic dentistry to get rid of the imperfections in your teeth. With the sheer number of cosmetic dental treatments available, it can be hard to pick one, especially when you have multiple chips, cracks, or stains in your grin. Why not fix all of your smile flaws at once with veneers? As soon as Dr. Wheeler or Dr. Vega place these porcelain shells over your teeth, all of their offending blemishes disappear instantly! If you’re ready to say goodbye to the flaws in your smile, call us today to find out whether veneers in Goodyear are right for you.


Why Choose Goodyear Family Dentistry for Veneers? 

  • Preview Your New Smile with Digital Imaging
  • Gorgeous, Natural-Looking Results
  • Treatments Fully Personalized for Each Patient

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin shells made of tooth-colored porcelain. They’re essentially tiny “masks” for your teeth – once they are bonded to the front-facing surfaces of troublesome teeth, veneers give you a smile fit for the silver screen. In fact, veneers are what many celebrities use to achieve their famously bright pearly whites!

Since veneers cover up the entire front sections of the teeth, they can correct virtually all aesthetic issues, including:

  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Stains that don’t seem to respond to teeth whitening
  • Misshapen or short teeth
  • Small yet noticeable gaps between teeth
  • Slightly rotated or crooked teeth

Basically, if you want to improve your smile in several ways at the same time, veneers are a great option. They’re certainly the most versatile cosmetic dentistry service we offer!

The Veneers Process

Getting veneers usually takes three appointments, the first of which is a consultation with a cosmetic dentist in Goodyear. This visit gives your dentist a chance to get to know you and talk about the specific goals you have in mind for your smile. If he determines that veneers are the treatment that can best help you meet these goals, we can move forward with the veneers process.

At your next appointment, Dr. Wheeler or Dr. Vega will make sure your teeth are ready to receive veneers. A very thin sliver of enamel will be removed from these teeth to prevent the veneers from looking bulky and unnatural. Then, we capture impressions of your teeth, send them to a dental lab, and place a set of temporary veneers.

Your final veneers should arrive at our office within a few weeks. At that point, you’ll return for your last appointment, where we’ll make any last-minute adjustments before swapping out your temporaries for your permanent veneers.

Benefits of Veneers

By revamping your smile with veneers, here are some of the benefits that you can expect:

  • Each and every veneer is custom-made to blend in with your smile and complement your facial features. Your results will look so natural that no one should even be able to notice that you had dental work done!
  • Veneers don’t stain as easily as natural teeth do, allowing you to enjoy a bright smile for years to come.
  • If you take good care of your veneers, they should be able to last for a decade or longer.

Understanding the Cost of Veneers

From start-to-finish, the process of getting dental veneers in Goodyear is completely customized, which means pricing varies based on each individual patient’s needs. At your initial consultation with Dr. Wheeler or Dr. Vega, we’ll take some images of your mouth with our intraoral camera if you’d like to get a better view of your front teeth, and we’ll discuss the goals you have in mind. Because veneers are individually crafted, the cost of your treatment is really going to hinge on how many cosmetic imperfections you’d like to address. A good rule-of-thumb is, the more teeth you’d like to enhance, the more costly your treatment will be.

Veneers FAQs

Are Veneers Permanent?

Technically, veneers are not permanent, as they’ll need to be replaced at some point. However, preparing the teeth to receive veneers is considered an irreversible process. This step involves filing away an extremely thin layer of enamel from the tooth, and since enamel doesn’t grow back, the tooth will always need some sort of covering – whether that be a veneer or a crown.

If the idea of permanently altering your teeth makes you nervous, we invite you to consider Lumineers as an alternative. Lumineers are essentially the same as veneers, except that they’re much thinner. As a result, they can often be placed without modifying the tooth at all. Although they tend not to last as long as veneers, Lumineers can be a wonderful option for patients who want to improve their smiles without making a permanent commitment.

Is There Anything I Can’t Eat with Veneers?

During the few weeks when you’re wearing temporary veneers, you should try to avoid particularly crunchy or sticky foods. They could break your veneer or pull it off of the tooth. Temporary veneers also stain more easily than permanent ones, so you’ll want to be careful around foods and beverages that could discolor teeth.

Once your final veneers have been placed, you should be able to eat and drink practically anything you’d like. Your teeth might be a bit sensitive for a few days after getting veneers, so you may want to stay away from hot and cold items. Also, alcohol may weaken the material that bonds your veneers to your teeth, so try to drink it sparingly.

How Many Veneers Will I Need?

With veneers in Goodyear, the goal is for all of the visible teeth in your smile to match. Therefore, your cosmetic dentist will recommend an appropriate number of veneers to make that goal a reality. Most patients end up getting an even number of veneers, usually six or eight, to create a symmetrical appearance. Some patients may need as many as 10 or 12, though. Of course, it’s also possible to only receive one veneer if just a single tooth is bothering you.

Do Veneers Feel Like Real Teeth?

Not long after your veneers have been placed, they should start to feel like a natural part of your smile. This is primarily due to the fact that your teeth are carefully reshaped before the veneers are bonded to them. Removing the sliver of enamel prevents the veneer from bulging out compared to the rest of your teeth, so your overall arch should feel the same. In fact, most of our patients with veneers have said that their new smiles feel so natural, they forget they’ve even gotten veneers!